Delivered in partnership with Involve Kent, these new groups will be meeting regularly across Maidstone and give participants the opportunity to get outside and take part in a variety of gardening activities. This group is open to all adults and you do not need to have any previous experience to join; all materials will be provided.

Led by a horticulturalist, you will have the choice of what activities you get involved in from tending to the raised beds, planting seeds, pruning, flower arranging or organising the shed. Our own team will also be on hand to provide wellbeing support to anyone who feels they would benefit from some mental health advice and guidance.

Sessions are starting on 29th April and you are welcome to join us at any time during the programme. 

Mondays – Maidstone Community Centre at Marsham Street 10 to 1pm although there is no requirement to stay for the whole session.

Thursdays – Brenchley Gardens 10 to 1pm although there is no requirement to stay for the whole session.

If you are interested in joining either or both of these groups, please complete the form below and a member of our team will be in touch with full details.

Delivered in partnership with Involve Kent.