Comments & Complaints - Comments, Compliments & Complaints Find out how to contact MKM with feedback.

Mid Kent Mind aim to approach the services which we deliver from a holistic perspective – and that means that collaboration and co-creation need to be at the heart of the services we offer.

We are a team with a wealth of lived experience – but we’re not going to know everything, and we’re not going to get everything right all the time. That is why we want to sure we have a robust mechanism in place for collecting feedback – both good and bad – so that we can continue to develop the services we are providing and ensure that they are the best possible services for the people accessing them.

Below, you will find a form you can submit feedback through. This will go through to our Senior Management Team and CEO – who will then decide the best course of action for responding.

All feedback is valuable so we will aim to acknowledge and reply to all of the feedback which we receive.

You can read more about our Complaints, Comments and Feedback Procedure here.

Please note that we are classing this as an ‘interim’ policy – meaning that this is something which is currently in ongoing development within the organisation. This means that this document is likely to see revisions made to it in coming weeks and months – so please do check this frequently for any changes to our policies.

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