FREE Virtual Yogalates Video Classes for Young People. Made possible thanks to Holcombe Health Clinic.

Thanks to the kind support from Louise and the team at the Holcombe Health Clinic, we are pleased to share that we have been able to offer free Virtual Yogalates video classes for young people in the Mid-Kent area. These classes are uploaded to YouTube – meaning young people can access them at a time and place which suits them.

You can learn a little more about Holcombe’s classes below:

Yogalates is a type of exercise where the ‘core’ spinal muscles are strengthened, which in turn improves posture and reduces the risk of injury whilst creating a perfectly strong and aligned body.

Today, a large number of the population suffer with poor posture, muscle imbalances and back problems and have specific needs to address.

People come to Yogalates classes with different goals, many of our clients come to increase fitness and tone their bodies, some to address back pain and injuries, some to improve their core stability for specific sports (tennis, golf, squash to name a few), others to counterbalance a stressful lifestyle, or to improve their posture and flexibility.

One of the greatest benefits of Yogalates training is that it is suitable for everyone, for all body types and fitness levels from the highest performing athlete to individuals with a variety of health problems. It is beneficial to men and women, children, the elderly, and almost essential for pre and post pregnancy. It can be tailored to benefit everyone from your average slumped inactive teenager, stressed business professional and the injured right the way through to our more aged clients.

To access any of our pre-recorded classes, you can click on the buttons below. We will periodically update this as new sessions become available.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 6

Session 7

Session 8

 All sessions are available free of charge as a wider part of our Reaching Communities programme.

Learn more about the Reaching Communities Programme.

Although these sessions have now finished, our friends at Holcombe Health Clinic are continuing to offer Online Yogalates Sessions. The 8-week course costs £25 and is facilitated by Louise, who ran most of these sessions for us!

If you, or a young person you know, may be interested then please click here to book on.

Made possible by 

Virtual Yogalates - National Lottery Community Fund and Holcombe Health Clinic Logos